Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Health care talk

I never knew men could talk so much. The congressional hall ,who is mainly consistent of men, has been talking about health care reform for over 70 years. Can you believe that? And they call women chatter box.
What is worst is that they have done nothing. Hopefully, I'm right and talks will be signed into law by the date of January 31st 2010.  In order for that to happen President Obama has to go beyond the fast track and help bring "the talkers" to the finish line.

Hoping is not enough. Adding, substituting ,and compromising will need to Jump in this fight.
One fight is to permanently remove the health care industries safety net. The Antitrust exemption law must go.
The industry continues to milk billions of dollars in benefits because of the Antitrust exemption law. If this law is not removed there will be billions of dollars of lost to the consumer and millions of lives lost due to stupidity of some members of congress who refuse to support full competition.

Another show of resistance is giving the industry more time to milk the poor consumers with element of "time after time".  The house proposes subsidies or funding that would start in 2013, however, the senate version would give the health care industry more time. The Senate version for subsidies for adult consumers would start in 2014. That sounds like a non partisian voters idea the Republican's. This idea should be nixed or atleast compromised on. The best thing they could do is start immediately on proposals that would not cost the tax payer anything. For example,  adults and children could not be denied health care immediately- even if they have preexisting conditions and government subsidies would start in 2012. Compromising on illegal immigrants is risky. Illegal immigrants should be allowed to piggy back on their Legal or U.S born children with no federal funding available to them, other wise, the American tax payer would still be paying for it in the future. 

Taxing the poor and middle class who are in debt because of wall street-can be dangerous to both republican and democratic reelection. As a voter, it would be wise for democrats to tax those who engage of risky behavior such as tanning salons and companies who add preservatives in their food that does not make us healthier but contributes to  kids high blood pressure. Nix the idea of cadillac taxes and medicare payroll tax idea and tax hospitals who don't want to negotiate in bringing cost down. There are millions of ways to tax, bring cost down and changes to those who don't contribute to health maintenance.

At any rate, cost measures need not be difficult, if they just agree to agree and move the bill in to Law. If they do that perhaps they will move on to being women.  Woman actually do what they promise.

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