Friday, October 23, 2009

Dare to dream

Dare to dream

I’m going to take a huge bite off of Martine Luther King’s great dream and dream for myself. Hopefully, you join me in this journey of reality to utopia.

I have a dream that congress has no republican senators or house republican representatives and the public will not go broke for health care. After being voted out of the capital exclusive planet, I dare to dream the republican’s hear the call that voters are tired of their constant back stabbing, bickering, and sensationalism to create chaos. American’s are blind and being guided by the tigers. I have a dream that American’s eyes open and they understand that when republicans send out controversial messages on the President Obama’s health care bill that they are not working for the people. The dream includes that Americans know that republican have a stake in themselves and not you. Republicans are defending huge companies like Blue cross and blue shield who wants to make “extreme profits” through monopoly of the market and no competition. There is nothing wrong with making a profit because it is what drives the economy. One should make a profit but not at ones expense or health. I once worked for the N.J state government and realize that state workers got a delicious deal. They were offered the option of a health care with no premiums. That’s right they did not have any payment coming out of their paycheck. What’s more, prescription co-pay was $1 for generic and $5 for name brand. That was good because my earning was less than $35,000 a year. That plan, I would associate to that of the public option or what congressmen currently have who make more than $35,000. Furthermore, if you were a senator for 10 years and get voted out you still get the same health care filled with goodies. It is a senate option that was denied to President Obama as a kid and to his dying cancerous mother. Yet, republican’s called President Obama a witch doctor and associate him with Hitler. Clearly, they could proposed other things as well such as changing doctors pay from per patient to salary, demanding the tort law change to decrease doctors mal practice insurance to change, demanding health food becomes affordable and taxing companies that use preservatives in their food or trans-fats. One should wonder about the idiot s that join the opposition to health reform or increase competition. Increase competition helped with the phone company. We now have choice of plans with more meat in it and we are no longer charged by the minute for residential phones. Big companies like Verizon make such huge profit they have a plane for every area code. Do you have your own fleet of 747jet? So join the dream and tell the republicans “Enough with the scare tactics you selfish, moronic, sore losers and step down. We don’t tolerate hypocrisy.”

I dare to dream the most audacious dream. One would not receive a small mortgage invoice from the electric company like $500.00 a month for spending ¾ of your time out of your home. This dream includes no republican in the senate seat to bloc the expansion of green energy. Green energy is the use of solar panels, geothermal or wind energy that reduces the electric bill. The more people buy in to these alternative energies the less expensive they become. Did you know people with solar panels have paid $2.00 on their electric bill? Did you know that George Bush’s former home was equipped with solar power? My big dream is that an all democratic congress has the sense to pass in to law: all new construction must have at least one of green energy, through this law create new jobs, create state websites listing green companies, and have all federal and state mandated green buildings. Mandate the new development of hybrid 18 wheelers and public transportation with 50 miles per gallon. I dare to expand my “no republican law makers” dream into the student loan sector.

. Did you know children of democrats and republican congressmen’s receive great scholarships for generations? I dare to dream that students become more incline to apply to college because they know they can afford to pay their student loans. Student will gain more in federal Pell grant money and not deal with loan programs like Plato which offers government subsidized money at high interest rates per day. So dare to dream stability in cost of education through interest rates. Furthermore, dare to dream the government cuts wasteful spending by mandating colleges accept 50-60 of transfer credits from students respective field or core classes (from accredited schools) . Also, congress should refuse to pay colleges on course duplication just because the course has a different title, name, or semester. I am inspired by the notion that with no republicans in the white house families will be less in debt. Meanwhile as one becomes more inspired, one continues to dare and dream.

The best reason to dream for a no republican party is that one wants to be able to eat and pay their dues every month. One should not have to live in tents, while your republican congressman or woman averages $174,000 in yearly salary and lives well. I dare voters to recognize the true creator of chaos is republican instigator John McCain. Mr. McCain is a sore loser and using his animosity to punish the public for not calling him Mr. President. Why else would they cheer at Chicago’s Olympic lost when the Olympic bid could have brought in millions upon millions of dollars for the local, state, and federal government. Was that cheering an act of “we the people” or republican senate sores. So dare to dream the great ousting.

Have the audacity to make vote for an all 8 year democratic party. Surely, this essay conveys ousting of a republican member is an inch toward utopia or a better life. No bickering, no political backstabbing because of personal agenda or political agenda- is utopia. It is time the Baucus plan and public option gets passed. However, for those who agree that a non republican world would bring a small utopia should decide to make a non republican congress a reality.

Laure L.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Apparently Congress must be handled

In 2009, I have discovered a new kind of congress. This congress had never left public high school and they call their pettyness- "Politics". I laugh at the way little man John Mccain is such a sore looser. He rally's his party to kill any bill that President Obama wants to introduce.  He and his party doesn't provide any constructive criticism that will help the general public. His Presidential defeat should be lounging in his life but in the mean time these boys should be "handled."  As I object to this party pettyness and deceit, I would like to make this suggestions.

1) Name each health care suggestion that will be kept on the end bill and name the senator or representative who made that suggestion as an honor.
2) Name each senator who did not provide any ideas except for the word "No!"
3) Give details on what kind of health care that congress enjoys. (As a former state worker, I had no premiums and that was just a tip of the iceberg.) Repeat this process for a long time.
4) Remind the public that you are not offering this option, just trying to increase competition. If you were offering this as an option there would be no blue cross and blue shield...
5) Give a time and date deadline when the party should vote on the health care. (Preferrably before the cold season) Suggest that there should be peaceful assembly camp out infront of congress to ensure that the build is signed during that time.
6) If a senator votes against this, the public should be told of their names. The voters should be made aware in print that this senator has the perfect health care and the voters were not deserving of lower health care plan.
7) Voters should bombard the white house website and make the above suggestions and pass it on the next person to push for this at  .

I heard the singing group bowling for soup sing that high school never apparently high school goes all the way to congress especially the republicans.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


It seems these days people elect those that demonstrate selfishness in their personal lives to their public lives. Without naming any names, I see no reason to continue to talk on individualistic matters. However, given the health care matter at hand, I will point on the matters that people should object to loud and clear. It just not enough to sit idly by and wait until reelection to prove that you were angry with your representative. Instead be the judge, prosecutor, defense attorney and just object.

I object to the funds of the public being used to give our elected officials the best health care when millions do not have health care. We hardly saw former republican vice president Cheyney during his eight year term because he was enjoying his free health care. (Right to the end of his last day in office. Therefore, I must object!

I object to not having choice because the health care organization has all banded together to ask once more for a hand out. They are always in need! Because they in are need and you are not in need, you must pay the extra premiums and co-pays.

I object to congress' audacious behavior of the laissez faire attitude. Compiling and elevating the few who claim they are happy with the current health care system as the voice of reasoning.

I object to congressmen and women "accusing President Obama" as a socialist when truly the word socialist means for the people. If one appeals to the hard working and struggling, you are a socialist. Countries that are smaller like Sweden have a great health care system. The great U.S does not have an organized health care system. If you can't afford a $100,000 for a one day stay in a hospital, one would need a socialist to come to your aid or at least demonstrate your for the people.

Congressmen and Congresswomen should be barricaded on capital hill by the people before they go on their month vacation. The people should storm capital hill during a session and give them politely their wish list. My wish list is do what the FCC did for the telephone by giving deregulation with regulation. We now have plans because the FCC gave people power to choose your own phone company instead of having regional service. By regulating the health care industry and allowing countries with great health care systems to compete in the U.S, One would think the Blue Cross and Bull shit would bring their cost down. (That one is courtesy of Aunt G)

My wish to list congress continues with the following: Incentive for those who participate in preventive care such as a local gym, mammograms, and MRI'S. 2) No coverage for abortions- that are not health related. 3) Remove clause that discriminate preexisting conditions. 4) Combine health care cost such as physician assistants and physicians on one invoice because we are a green country as well. 5) A reasonable profit on latex gloves and tongue suppressor. 6) Several plans: Basic plan, Family, Life Plan for those with critical illness, Basic and parental Senior plans for those who have parents as a dependent. All these plans should have co pays that are affordable with co pays lower than $20.00. 7) Remove incentives for physicians to push drugs.

8) The ability to move plans with life change. 8) Even plans for government workers to small business. 9) Tax for smokers on health Insurance 10) A Dental and vision recommended plan.

11) Cheaper incidentals such as: High blood pressure, Fractures, Sprains, School check ups.

12) The right to personal medical information especially in the army or from insurance companies. 13) Combine medicare, military, and a portion of hospital fund into one health care system. 14) Full premarital Screening incentives 15) Large penalties for doctors who perform risky practices such as multiple births and excessive plastic surgery. 16) College student plans.

17) No excuse! large retail companies must make sure every worker is covered with a plan.

18) Affordable Cobra or unemployment plan 19) As an added bonus Cheyney should be thrown out of health care- may be then he'll be silent.

The fact still remains that the selfishness of Congress is astounding. Perhaps President Obama should threatening a temporary revocation of all congressional health care until the country has a "socialist health care." Maybe America should see this wish list.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Global Tech's method of doing busines

In 2004, I decided to open a new business. I knew there were birds of prey, that wanted to scam me out of my money or credit for that matter. So when I received an email for I did my research at the Better Business Bureau site. Seemed good at the time. It was good enough to go into contract with to open an online store front with them. However, their address was stated with them but the contractual agreement was with other companies that were numerous. It took months to find out that the contract was with Global tech in california.

USA Card Services, promised that I would received a free web site which I received. Commission Junction another one of their venodors never provided the service they promised and recently was involved in a class action suit. Many other services provided was never received. Then there was Global tech who did not even know I was there client, So I returned there credit card processing machine within reasonable time. But that was not the end of it....

Then it started the phone calls from their attorney angry because I returned the gadget and the seven year hitch ride on my credit report. Is that just, hell NO! I object and I'm fighting it all the way through the chamber of commerce, department of consumer affairs, and the credit bureau, and calling all members victims of this fraud to be victors through class action.

I object to walkfit platnum.

Walkfit company has stolen again. The company who claims to be based in California has defrauded people from the their money by over charging them for things that they did not order or for shipping handling. On July 18th I deliberately purchased a gift card of $40 to purchase a $30 walk fit b/c of pain. The company wiped out the gift card and when called them upon it, and requested them to cancel the order and refund my money-they flatly said No!. I'm not the only one... I suggest that no one purchase from this company because it is a magnet for complaints. Instead Object to it operating online by making complaints to the Better business bureau and the department of consumer affairs in L.A. The best way is to call your local consumer action news and maybe you will receive better and bigger action.